Literature Ireland

Translation Directory

This directory contains all the translations supported by Literature Ireland through its translation grant programme since 1995. Only authors and works translated with the support of a Literature Ireland translation grant are featured.

Neil Jordan Mistaken Karen Gillece The Absent Wife Seamus Heaney Human Chain Iris Murdoch Henry and Cato Bryan Delaney The Cobbler Mikael Engström Isdraken (Thin Ice) Yvonne Cassidy The Other Boy Chris Agee Next to Nothing Kevin Rafter Sinn Féin 1905-2005 Alan Glynn The Dark Fields Brian Friel Philadelphia, Here I Come Marina Carr Marble Marina Carr The Cordelia Dream Marina Carr Woman and Scarecrow William Butler Yeats W. B. Yeats: The Collected Plays Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu The Rose and the Key Sebastian Barry On Canaan's Side Claire Keegan Foster John Boyne Noah Barleywater Runs Away Iris Murdoch Under the Net