Literature Ireland
© Coiscéim, 2011

© Coiscéim, 2011

Ratschlag zum Verzehr der Seidenraupe

Matthias Politycki

Gabriel Rosenstock and Hans-Christian Oeser have translated a selection of Politycki's poems for Sphärenmusik - Music of the Spheres - Ceol na Sféar: Ausgewählte Gedichte - Selected Poems - Rogha Dánta. Politycki has been praised for his artistry, playfulness, humour and wit, yet a combination of light-footed irony and serene melancholy makes his poems very accessible.

Hoffmann und Campe 2003

Translated into: English & Irish

Rights contact:

Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Rechte und Lizenzen
Harvestehuder Weg 42
20149 Hamburg


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