Literature Ireland

Translation Directory

This directory contains all the translations supported by Literature Ireland through its translation grant programme since 1995. Only authors and works translated with the support of a Literature Ireland translation grant are featured.

Eoin Colfer The Legend of Spud Murphy Flann O'Brien The Hard Life: An Exegesis of Squalor Eoin Colfer The Legend of Captain Crow's Teeth Kate O'Riordan The Boy in the Moon Aubrey Flegg The Rainbow Bridge John Connolly The Unquiet Aubrey Flegg The Cinnamon Tree John Banville Kepler Aubrey Flegg Wings over Delft Iris Murdoch The Sovereignty of Good Maeve Brennan The Visitor Roisin Meaney Don't Even Think about It Maeve Brennan The Springs of Affection Judi Curtin Alice Next Door Elizabeth Bowen The Last September Seán Ó Faoláin Selected Stories Elizabeth Bowen Seven Winters John Montague John Montague: Selected Poems Hugo Hamilton The Speckled People Elizabeth Bowen The House in Paris