Literature Ireland

Translation Directory

This directory contains all the translations supported by Literature Ireland through its translation grant programme since 1995. Only authors and works translated with the support of a Literature Ireland translation grant are featured.

William Trevor William Trevor: Short Stories William Trevor Den, kdy jsme se opili dortem Ettore Ghibellino Goethe and Anna Amalia: A Forbidden Love? William Trevor William Trevor: 10 Short Stories Maeve Walsh A Guide to Irish Mythology Oscar Wilde The Wit and Humour of Oscar Wilde (formerly published under: The Epigrams of Oscar Wilde) William Butler Yeats The Complete Lyrical Poems of W.B. Yeats Kuno Meyer Trechenb Breth Féni Old Irish Triadic Decrees / The Triads of Ireland William Butler Yeats William Butler Yeats: Versuri Stephen J. Martin Superchick Pádraig Standún A Woman's Love Damien Owens Peter and Mary Have a Row Desmond O'Grady Esule dall'esilio Johann P. Tammen Und Himmelwärts Meere / And Skyward the Seas / Farraigí i dTreo na Spéire Brendan Kennelly Get This / Kapier das Jackie Mac Donncha Gaineamh Séidte Michael Longley Lucciole alla cascata Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde in Russia Kit de Waal Trick to Time Sarah Crossan One