Literature Ireland
© Coiscéim, 2013

© Coiscéim, 2013

Martin Walser: Selected Poems

Martin Walser

Although he is widely known for his fiction, Walser wrote many very personal poems in his diaries, which were published as Leben und Schreiben in three volumes (2005, 2007, 2010). Irish publishing house Coiscéim has collected a selection of them, spanning the years 1951-1978, in Brennende Blumen – Burning Flowers – Bláthanna á nDó, a trilingual edition with translations commissioned from long-standing translators Hans-Christian Oeser and Gabriel Rosenstock.

The mood and themes of Walser’s novels are reflected in his poetry, as Oeser notes in the book’s foreword: "Hurts, upsets and grievances – these are the common thread characterizing the discomforting miniatures … They are splinters from a self-reflective consciousness that revolve around a distinct but precarious and threatened ego constantly in flight from himself."

Rowohlt Verlag

Translated into: German & English & Irish

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