This first set features short stories and translations by Mary Costello, Sara Baume, and Wendy Erskine. Mary Costello's story Things I See was translated into Spanish by Isabel Puente Lozano for episode one; Sara Baume's story Green, Mud, Gold was translated by Anna-Nina Kroll into German for episode 2; Wendy Erskine's story To All Their Dues was translated into Danish by Sara Koch for episode 3.
To listen to these stories, visit Talking Translations Podcast or wherever you usually listen to podcasts. Talking Translations is listed on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and more.
Our next set of three episodes will feature stories by Kevin Barry, Cathy Sweeney, and Philip O'Ceallaigh, so subscribe and stay tuned.
Pictured (L - R) Mary Costello, Wendy Erskine and Sara Baume.
Posted to News on 2 Jul 2020.