© Phantom Press, 2013
Gina Moynihan, the novel's narrator, is a material girl, a Celtic Tiger cub who measures her success in terms of property. Married but bored, she begins an adulteraous affair with Seán, only to discover that she is constnatly competing for his attention with his troubled daughter Evie. In the act of recalling her adulterous love affair, Gina begins to realise what she had refused to see: the reality of desire, grief and humanity that complicate the story of her life.
Jonathan Cape 2011
Translated into: Dutch, Greek, Norwegian, French, Finnish, Russian, Bulgarian, Estonian
Gill Coleridge
Rogers, Coleridge & White Ltd.
20 Powis Mews
London W11 1JN
United Kingdom
Email: gillc@rcwlitagency.co.uk
Website: www.rcwlitagency.co.uk
Dutch, Greek, Norwegian, French, Finnish, Russian, Bulgarian, Estonian