Literature Ireland
© Studentska založba, 2013

© Studentska založba, 2013

Selected Letters of James Joyce

James Joyce

While on business in Dublin in 1909 - Joyce was busy setting up the Volta Cinematograph in Mary Street - the iconic writer sent a series of erotic letters to his lover and later wife, Nora Barnacle, who had stayed behind in Trieste with their children Giorgio and Lucia. This correspondence, riddled with the most "dirty" words Joyce could conjure up, was included in Selected Letters of James Joyce, edited and introduced by the noted Joycean biographer and scholar Richard Ellmann and first published in 1975.

Faber & Faber 1975

Translated into: Slovenian, Turkish

Rights contact:

The Estate of Richard Ellmann
Donadio & Olscon Inc.
121 West 27th Street, Suite 704
New York, NY 10001
United States of America


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