Literature Ireland
© Sagittarius

© Sagittarius

Sea Light

Jane Mullen

Left reeling from a succession of family tragedies, American artist Eve Oliver retreats to Clonmere in the west of Ireland where, seven years earlier, she had lived with her husband while he researched the life of the nineteenth-century writer and painter, Evelyn Hope-Ross. But her husband's biography has scandalised the Hope-Rosses, and Eve is cold-shouldered by the family. Hurt and troubled, Eve turns to Evelyn's journal to uncover the truth. As she reads, she develops a strong sense of kinship with Evelyn, whose struggle to become independent resonates powerfully with her own.

Blackstaff Press 2006

Translated into: Polish

Rights contact:

Blackstaff Press
4c Heron Wharf
Sydenham Business Park
Belfast BT3 9LE
Northern Ireland


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