Literature Ireland
© L&PM Publishers

© L&PM Publishers


Sarah Crossan

Grace and Tippi don't like being stared and sneered at, but they're used to it. They're conjoined twins - united in blood and bone. What they want is to be looked at in turn, like they truly are two people. They want real friends. And what about love? But a heart-wrenching decision lies ahead for Tippi and Grace. One that could change their lives more than they ever asked for... This moving and beautifully crafted novel about identity, sisterhood and love ultimately asks one question: what does it mean to want and have a soulmate?

Bloomsbury Children 2016

Translated into: Portuguese – Brazilian, Polish

Rights contact:

A. M. Heath & Company Ltd
6 Warwick Court
London WC1R 5DJ
United Kingdom


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Portuguese – Brazilian, Polish