Literature Ireland
© AMAT-AH, 2010

© AMAT-AH, 2010

Molly Fox's Birthday

Deirdre Madden

While absent in New York, the celebrated actor Molly Fox has loaned her house in Dublin to a playwright friend, who is struggling to write a new work. Over the course of Midsummer, the longest day of the year, the playwright reflects upon her own life, Molly's, and that of their mutual friend Andrew, whom she has known since university. Why does Molly never celebrate her own birthday, which falls upon this day? What does it mean to be a playwright or an actor? How have their relationships evolved over the course of many years?

Faber & Faber 2008

Translated into: Bulgarian

Rights contact:

Derek Johns
A. P. Watt Ltd.
20 John Street
London WC1N 2DR
United Kingdom


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