Literature Ireland

Man and Superman: A Comedy and a Philosophy

George Bernard Shaw

First produced at the Court Theatre in 1905, Man and Superman is an exploration of Nietzsche's concept of the 'Übermensch. John Tanner, author of The Revolutionist's Handbook, is a young man of high principles and 'advanced ideas' upon which he is endeavouring to shape his life. As the play evolves, however, he discovers how utterly futile his modern ideas are when brought into practice amid the social conditions of his society. In the end, he finds himself trapped by convention and circumstance which force him to marry the simple, but cunning Ann Whitefield.

Archibald Constable 1903

Translated into: Ukrainian

Rights contact:

The Estate of George Bernard Shaw
The Society of Authors
84 Drayton Gardens
London SW10 9SB
United Kingdom


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